INFO SHARING@PTAR - Library Connect Newsletter 10:3 - Information Literacy (Part 2)
Library Connect Newsletter keluaran November 2012 Edisi ke-2 memaparkan amalan pustakawan di beberapa organisasi yang menggunakan pelbagai teknologi baru dalam program literasi maklumat beserta contoh-contoh dalam aspek pelaksanaan dan penilaian. Teks penuh artikel tersebut boleh dirujuk dengan melayari pautan berikut:-
1) Tips for creating and sharing instructional videos
By Chad F. Boeninger, Head of Reference and Business Librarian, Ohio University
To make the most of students' research time and to provide on-demand help options, I started making videos that demonstrate the more complicated (but often most needed) research tools. Read here about how to customize and create instructional videos.
2) NUS libraries experiments with Web conferencing software for instruction
By Aaron Tay, Senior Librarian & E-Service Facilitator, National University of Singapore
National University of Singapore (NUS) Libraries started using Web conferencing software to conduct information literacy sessions in August 2011. With Web conferencing software, we are able to host "live" sessions, allowing online questions and interaction through polls and chats.
3) Information competence development for Lithuanian academic community
By Gintarė Tautkevičienė, Associate Professor, Kaunas University of Technology, and Emilija Banionytė, Library Director, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
In July 2012, the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium completed a three-year project to substantively improve the access to worldwide scientific information, and to enhance the competency of the academic community in searching for, retrieving and using information resources.
4) Librarian and faculty collaboration in building information literacy at Özyeğin University
By İlkay Holt, Director of Libraries, Özyeğin University
Librarians at Özyeğin University in Istanbul design the content and delivery of their information literacy programs around the needs of students with differing English language abilities.
5) Engineering librarians play a vital role in Engineering Village evolution
By Colleen DeLory, Editor, Library Connect Newsletter, Elsevier
Engineering librarians Randy Reichardt, University of Alberta, and Jay Bhatt, Drexel University, discuss their involvement in the evolution of Engineering Village.
Untuk membaca lain-lain artikel teks penuh Library Connect Newsletter 10:3 (Part 2) sila layari pautan ini;
Library Connect
Sumber: Library Connect (2012). Retrieved 1 Nov 2012,
How to write a great research paper, and get it accepted by a good journal
How to write a great research paper, and get it accepted by a good journal
Date: 20th November 2012 ( Tuesday)
Time: 9.00 a.m- 1.00 pm
Venue: Tempat : Dewan Kuliah B, Tingkat 6, Bangunan S&T,UiTM Shah Alam.
Participants: 100 participates ( post-graduates and Lecturers)
Speaker: Dr Anthony Newman, in the field of Biochemistry & Clinical Chemistry, Elsevier Journal Publishers
Major sections of the presentation:
- What steps do I need to take before I write my paper
- Using Scopus to evaluate journals, authors and collaborators
- How can I ensure I am using proper manuscript Language
- How do I build up my article properly
- Author Responsibilities & Rights
To ENTER please register to: UiTM Academic Publishing Workshop
Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai perkara di atas, boleh menghubungi Puan Siti Rohayu Bt Mohd Yusof di talian 03-55211701 atau Encik Shahrol Nizam Bin Johol di talian 03-55211707. Kerjasama dan keprihatinan dalam perkara ini didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.
Time: 9.00 a.m- 1.00 pm
Venue: Tempat : Dewan Kuliah B, Tingkat 6, Bangunan S&T,UiTM Shah Alam.
Participants: 100 participates ( post-graduates and Lecturers)
Speaker: Dr Anthony Newman, in the field of Biochemistry & Clinical Chemistry, Elsevier Journal Publishers
Major sections of the presentation:
- What steps do I need to take before I write my paper
- Using Scopus to evaluate journals, authors and collaborators
- How can I ensure I am using proper manuscript Language
- How do I build up my article properly
- Author Responsibilities & Rights
To ENTER please register to: UiTM Academic Publishing Workshop
Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai perkara di atas, boleh menghubungi Puan Siti Rohayu Bt Mohd Yusof di talian 03-55211701 atau Encik Shahrol Nizam Bin Johol di talian 03-55211707. Kerjasama dan keprihatinan dalam perkara ini didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.
INFO SHARING@PTAR - Library Connect Newsletter 10:3 - Information Literacy (Part 1)
Library Connect Newsletter keluaran November 2012 memaparkan amalan literasi maklumat di beberapa organisasi terpilih dari aspek mengenalpasti keperluan pengguna, pemantapan program dan pengenalan kepada teknologi baru. Teks penuh artikel tersebut boleh dirujuk dengan melayari pautan berikut:-
Picture: Google
1) The constant evolution of information literacy
By Janice Chia, Head of Instructional Services, Nanyang Technological University
2) Innovation partnering: Insert yourself into your community of users
By Sandra Crumlish, Manager, St. Jude Medical CRMD Library & Resource Center
3) Empowering best evidence use at the point of care
By Jonathan Koffel, Clinical Information Librarian, University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library
4) Information literacy involves learning to use the right sources: Chemists look to Reaxys
By Dr. P. Srihari, Senior Scientist, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
Untuk membaca lain-lain artikel teks penuh Library Connect Newsletter 10:3 (Part 1) sila layari pautan ini, sumber: Library Connect (2012). Retrieved 29 Oct 2012, from
Program anjuran Perpustakaan Abdul Razak dan Research Management Institute
Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak dan Research Management Institute (RMI) bakal mengadakan 2 program pada bulan November. Maklumat program seperti dibawah;
SAGE - "How to Publish an Article"
Date: 1st November 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 9:30am - 11.00am
Venue: Auditorium, PTAR 2, UiTM Shah Alam
Topic: "Guide to Writing a Journal Article wherein we provide a checklist of common errors made, how to select a journal to submit the article and a brief framework of a typical journal article."
Participant: 100 participates ( post-graduates, lecturers and Librarians)
Speaker: Rosalia da Garcia, SAGE.
Want print Tentative program? click HERE
Want print Rosalia Biography? click HERE
How to write a great research paper, and get it accepted by a good journal
Date: 20th November 2012 ( Tuesday)
Time: 9.00 a.m- 1.00 pm
Venue: Auditorium, PTAR 2.
Participants: 100 participates ( post-graduates and Lecturers)
Speaker: Dr Anthony Newman, in the field of Biochemistry & Clinical Chemistry, Elsevier Journal Publishers
Major sections of the presentation:
- What steps do I need to take before I write my paper
- Using Scopus to evaluate journals, authors and collaborators
- How can I ensure I am using proper manuscript Language
- How do I build up my article properly
- Author Responsibilities & Rights
To ENTER please register to: UiTM Academic Publishing Workshop
Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai perkara di atas, boleh menghubungi Puan Siti Rohayu Bt Mohd Yusof di talian 03-55211701 atau Encik Shahrol Nizam Bin Johol di talian 03-55211707. Kerjasama dan keprihatinan dalam perkara ini didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.
Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Discovery Quiz in Malaysia is Back!
Thomson Reuters is pleased to announce that we are bringing the Web of Knowledge Discovery Quiz back. This year, the Quiz will be better and bigger with more prizes and extended duration for each quiz. If you would like to know more about the mechanics, prizes and promotional materials, simply refer to the attached PDF document.
We look forward to working with you again to drive awareness and usage for the Thomson Reuters' electronic databases in your institutions. Like before, all staff and students will be able to take part in this and stand a chance to win fabulous prizes just by using Thomson Reuters' Web of Science via Web of Knowledge platform.
Here are the quiz duration and key dates:
Quiz duration: 9 October – 31 December 2012
Quiz (1): 9 October – 31 December 2012
Quiz (2): 6 November – 31 December 2012
Quiz (3): 4 December – 31 December 2012
Winner announcement – 15 January 2013
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need more information. We will have more updates for you as the date draws nearer. We look forward to your participation!
INFO SHARING@PTAR - Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Penguin refuse to provide access to their e-books in U.S. libraries?
Sumber maklumat dalam bentuk elektronik seperti ebook menjadi fenomena biasa dalam persekitaran perpustakaan di seluruh dunia. Walau perlu mengeluarkan perbelanjaan yang lebih tinggi untuk tujuan tersebut, perpustakaan perlu bergerak seiring dengan perkembangan dalam industri penerbitan dengan menawarkan buku-buku dalam format terkini di pasaran kepada pengguna.
Namun, bagaimana pula sekiranya ebook ini tidak memerlukan ruang seperti perpustakaan untuk sampai kepada pembaca?
InfoSharing@PTAR kali ini menampilkan beberapa artikel yang mengupas kenyataan di atas. Teks penuh artikel tersebut boleh dirujuk dengan melayari pautan berikut:-
1) An open letter to America's publishers from ALA President Maureen SullivanCHICAGO — The following open letter was released by American Library Association (ALA) President Maureen Sullivan regarding Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Penguin refusal to provide access to their e-books in U.S. libraries.
2) A Guide to Publishers in the Library Ebook Market- By Michael Kelley
List of ebooks publishers for general and academic resources.
3) Has the Database Killed the Library?
In an article written in The Chronicle of Higher Education, commentary editorialist Brian T. Sullivan remarks: “The academic library has died. Despite early diagnosis, audacious denial in the face of its increasingly severe symptoms led to its deterioration and demise.” He goes on to address the contributing factors in detail, naming obsolete book collections, the disappearance of reference services, and replacement of librarians by information-technology departments. “Library buildings were converted into computer labs, study spaces, and headquarters for information-technology departments. Collection development became a mere matter of maintaining database subscriptions.
4) Palm Pilots: Controlling Hand-held Learning Devices
Hand-held devices can be traced back to as early as the 1968, with computer scientist Alan Kay’s Dynabook. Developed for “children of all ages”, it allowed access to digital media through a “portable, note-book sized device.” (Apple History, Featured News, April 2010.)
picture: Google
(therapy) Gene therapy discovery at University of Alberta helps fight fat
picture: Google
EDMONTON - A new way of using gene therapy to help those fighting the battle of the bulge has been discovered by University of Alberta researchers.
“This could be very easily translated to clinical trials,” said researcher Jason Dyck, adding that with so many people struggling to gain control of their weight, it’s time other treatments are investigated.
“Obesity hasn’t really been considered a severe enough disease for gene therapy. With the huge number of people that are obese and have type 2 diabetes, it’s time we start looking at alternate ways to treat this disease.”
The treatment focuses on increasing levels of a hormone released from fat cells.
As a person gains weight and fat cells get larger, the body releases less of this hormone — called apidonectin.
The thinner a person is, the more of the hormone they release, said Dyck.
Mice were injected with the hormone twice over a thirteen week period, which resulted in less weight gain, higher activity levels, and decreased insulin resistance.
A group fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet coupled with the gene therapy gained less weight, burned more calories, and were more active.
Dyck acknowledged that many might see the therapy as the next quick way to lose weight, but said it will not be as simple as your average weight loss pill or drink.
“This could be very easily translated to clinical trials,” said researcher Jason Dyck, adding that with so many people struggling to gain control of their weight, it’s time other treatments are investigated.
“Obesity hasn’t really been considered a severe enough disease for gene therapy. With the huge number of people that are obese and have type 2 diabetes, it’s time we start looking at alternate ways to treat this disease.”
The treatment focuses on increasing levels of a hormone released from fat cells.
As a person gains weight and fat cells get larger, the body releases less of this hormone — called apidonectin.
The thinner a person is, the more of the hormone they release, said Dyck.
Mice were injected with the hormone twice over a thirteen week period, which resulted in less weight gain, higher activity levels, and decreased insulin resistance.
A group fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet coupled with the gene therapy gained less weight, burned more calories, and were more active.
Dyck acknowledged that many might see the therapy as the next quick way to lose weight, but said it will not be as simple as your average weight loss pill or drink.
(business) China Slowdown May Be Longer Than '09 Financial Crisis
China’s economic slowdown may last longer than during the global financial crisis because of worsening external demand and limited lending to smaller companies, a state researcher said.
Growth may slow for a ninth straight period to below 7 percent in the first quarter, Yuan Gangming, an economist with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview Sept. 19 in Beijing. Yuan, who formerly headed CASS’s Office of Macroeconomic Research in the Institute of Economics, forecast 7.4 percent expansion in the third quarter and 7.2 percent in the last period of the year.
Photographer: Nelson Ching/Bloomberg
“The slowdown will definitely extend into the first quarter of next year,” said Yuan, 58, who advises the government without being directly involved in policy making. “That will provide a good starting point for the new generation of leadership to make a turnaround, because things can’t get worse.”
read more: Bloomberg Businessweek
Is a Masters Degree Worth the Cost?
When aspiring to complete your education, a Master’s degree can be the cherry on the top. This long-time, well-respected degree will impress even the most critical employer, but is a Master’s degree worth the cost? Once you start tallying the years spent in education, investing in resources and all those late nights, it can seem futile if once qualified, your pay-check doesn’t represent the investment.
picture: Google
Many people are deterred from completing their Master’s degree because of financial restrictions, yet there are alternatives to attending an expensive educational institution. Online courses are now making it higher education more affordable for the average student to attain, allowing more undergraduates the ability to further their education and reap the rewards of for many years to follow. A Master’s Degree is worth around $400,000 during your 40 year career span, so tally up your investment now.
Read more: articlescholar
Kajian fizikokimia tepung biji durian dan kualiti penerimaan sensori terhadap keropok lekor
Tiga jenis tepung biji durian iaitu biji durian iaitu biji durian D24 (TD24), biji durian kampung (TDK) dan (TDC) dihasilkan. Ciri-ciri fiziko-kimia tepung biji durian dikaji iaitu proksimat, amilosa, gluten dan pH.
Manakala ujian penyimpanan untuk warna,pengembangan, kelarutan penyerapan air dan minyak. Kandungan karbohidrat yang terkandung dalam tepung biji durian dianggap tinggi dengan julat kandungannya adalah di antara 75.6% hingga 78.4%.
Serat adalah masing-masing menunjukkan nilai di antara 4.36% hingga 6.32%. Purata kandungan lemak dan TD24.
penyelidik: Mohamad Azli Razali , Hussin Khan Rahmatullah Khan , Mohd Zain Kutut
sumber: eprint UiTM
(abstract) Behavioral approaches to anxiety disorders: A report on the NIMH-SUNY, Albany, research conference.
In recent years, striking advancements in the discovery of effective psychologically based treatments for some anxiety disorders have been produced. If this progress continues during the next decade, the understanding of these disorders may be increased to the point where truly effective treatments and/or preventive efforts would be available for all anxiety disorders.
Recommendations were made in the areas of general research strategies, assessment and classification, process research, outcome research, delivery of treatment, and dissemination of results.
Original link: APA PsycNET
Mechanical Function of the Patella (HERBERT KAUFER)
The patella contributes to the knee extension moment arm through the entire range of knee motion. Its contribution increases with progressive extension. In terms of extension moment, special modifications of transverse repair have no advantage over simple transverse approximation of the patellar ligament and quadriceps tendon, but transverse repair is superior to longitudinal repair.
Depending on the technique of patellectomy defect repair, full postpatellectomy extension may require as much as a 30 per cent increase in quadriceps force. Tibial tubercleplasty can lengthen the extension moment arm and permit full extension with no greater force than that required in the knee before patellectomy.
A 30 per cent increase in quadriceps force may be beyond the capacity of some patients, particularly those with long-standing intra-articular disease, those in advanced age, or those who have extension lag prior to operation. If patellectomy is indicated for this select group of patients, tibial tubercleplasty ought to be considered.
Original source: Journal Of Bone & Joint Surgery
Maklumat Tentang Kejuruteraan Mekatronik
Kejuruteraan Mekatronik
adalah satu bidang kejuruteraan yang baru yang menggabungkan bidang-bidang Kejuruteraan Elektronik, Elektrik, Mekanikal, Kawalan, Perisian, Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat.
Bidang ini telah menjadi popular dan semakin berkembang dengan pesatnya dalam industri-industri terutamanya industri pembuatan semenjak mikropemproses dan mikropengawal dikenalpastikan penggunaannya dalam kawalan industri.
Mekatronik juga merupakan teknologi dibelakang produk-produk 'pintar' (smart products) yang biasanya melibatkan mikropemproses, sistem kawalan dan bidang mekanikal.
Jurutera dengan pengetahuan, pengalaman dan pengkhususan dalam bidang mekatronik amat diperlukan oleh industri. Jurutera mekatronik menggunakan komputer dan sistem kawalan digit yang lain-lain untuk mengawal proses dalam industri.
Mereka menggabungkan bidang sains elektrik, kawalan, mekanikal, robotik dan pembuatan untuk mencipta berbagai jenis produk. Produk-produk ini meliputi barangan kegunaan harian seperti mesin basuh, kamera, mesin pendua dan brek antikunci kereta serta mesin-mesin kawalan komputer yang berteknologi tinggi yang digunakan di industri pembuatan dan pemasangan.
Tidak kira apa pun disiplinnya, seseorang jurutera akan berhadapan dengan sistem mekatronik dalam kerja mereka. Sehubungan dengan itu, bidang ini meliputi gabungan dalam bidang elektronik, mikropengawal, robotik dan pengautomatan, kejuruteraan kawalan dan kejuruteraan pembuatan. Pengetahuan dalam bidang-bidang ini amatlah diperlukan.
Mereka yang boleh merapatkan jurang di antara kejuruteraan mekanikal, elektrik dan elektronik akan mempunyai kelebihan yang tinggi dalam pasaran kerja. Adalah dijangkakan sektor industri di Malaysia akan terus berkembang dengan pesat disebabkan permintaan yang meningkat dari pasaran-pasaran yang kian bertambah seperti pasaran peralatan elektronik dan telekomunikasi serta hasil pelaburan yang dibuat oleh pelabur-pelabur asing.
Sehubungan dengan itu, ramai tenaga kerja yang terlatih dalam semua bidang kejuruteraan, merangkumi bidang kejuruteraan kawalan dan instrumentasi diperingkat ikhtisas diperlukan. Para graduan secara amnya boleh mendapat pekerjaan sebagai jurutera di industri-industri berikut :
- Firma-firma pembuatan dan pemasangan kenderaan;
- Firma-firma pembuatan peralatan rumah seperti mesin basuh, TV, radio, periuk elektrik, dll;
- Firma-firma pembuatan barangan elektronik seperti kamera, mesin pendua dll;
- Kilang-kilang pemproses makanan;
- Syarikat-syarikat minyak & gas;
- Firma-firma teknologi tinggi seperti industri angkasa lepas;
- Firma-firma perunding;
- Firma-firma kejuruteraan & pembangunan produk;
- Firma-firma pembuatan sistem automatan;
- Firma-firma kejuruteraan bioperubatan;
- Firma-firma pembangunan perisian;
- Badan-badan penyelidikan & pembangunan seperti institusi pengajian tinggi, SIRIM, dll.
Mengikut jawatan pula, para graduan kursus ini boleh mengisi jawatan seperti berikut :
* Jurutera Mekatronik * Jurutera E & M (Elektro-Mekanik)
* Jurutera Elektrik * Jurutera Penyelenggaraan
* Jurutera Elektronik * Jurutera Pemasangan
* Jurutera Pengeluaran * Jurutera Pemasaran
* Jurutera Rekabentuk * Pegawai Perancang
* Jurutera Proses * Pegawai Penyelidik
* Ahli Akademik * Pegawai Pemasaran
Original post: All About Engineering blog
(tech) Free CAD open source
FreeCAD is a general purpose 3D CAD modeler. The development is completely Open Source (GPL & LGPL License). FreeCAD is aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits in a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties.
FreeCAD features tools similar to Catia, SolidWorks or Solid Edge, and therefore also falls into the category of MCAD, PLM, CAx and CAE. It will be a feature based parametric modeler with a modular software architecture which makes it easy to provide additional functionality without modifying the core system.
As with many modern 3D CAD modelers it has many 2D components in order to sketch 2D shapes or extract design detail from the 3D model to create 2D production drawings, but direct 2D drawing (like AutoCAD LT) is not the focus, neither are animation or organic shapes (like Maya, 3ds Max, Blender or Cinema 4D), although, thanks to its wide adaptability, FreeCAD might become useful in a much broader area than its current focus.
Another major concern of FreeCAD is to make heavy use of all the great open-source libraries that exist out there in the field of Scientific Computing. Among them are OpenCascade, a powerful CAD kernel, Coin3D, an incarnation of OpenInventor, Qt, the world-famous UI framework, and Python, one of the best scripting languages available. FreeCAD itself can also be used as a library by other programs.
FreeCAD is also fully multi-platform, and currently runs flawlessly on Windows and Linux/Unix and Mac OSX systems, with the exact same look and functionality on all platforms.
For more about FreeCAD's capabilities, take a look at the Feature list, the latest release notes or the Getting started articles, or head directly to the User hub!
To get started with FreeCAD, continue to the next article walking through the installation process.
info: amanz blog
The challenges and opportunities of Social Media
Blogs, which represent the earliest form of Social Media, are special types of websites that usually display date-stamped entries in reverse chronological order (OECD, 2007). They are the Social Media equivalent of personal web pages and can come in a multitude of different variations, from personal diaries describing the author's life to summaries of all relevant information in one specific content area.
Blogs are usually managed by one person only, but provide the possibility of interaction with others through the addition of comments. Due to their historical roots, text-based blogs are still by far the most common. Nevertheless, blogs have also begun to take different media formats. For example, San Francisco-based allows users to create personalized television channels via which they can broadcast images from their webcam in real time to other users.
Many companies are already using blogs to update employees, customers, and shareholders on developments they consider to be important. Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun Micro-systems, maintains a personal blog to improve the transparency of his company; so does automotive giant General Motors. Yet, as is the case with collaborative projects, blogs do not come without risks. These generally present in two fashions.
First, customers who—for one reason or another—turn out to be dissatisfied with or disappointed by the company's offerings may decide to engage in virtual complaints in the form of protest websites or blogs (Ward & Ostrom, 2006), which results in the availability of potentially damaging information in online space. Second, once firms encourage employees to be active on blogs, they may need to live with the consequences of staff members writing negatively about the firm.
Microsoft's former “technical evangelist” Robert Scoble, for example, had a tendency to fiercely criticize the products of his employer—before he decided to leave the Redmond-based software company in 2006.
Top 25 Hottest Articles : SciVerse ScienceDirect January to March 2012
More: HERE
1.![]() | Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation • Review article Cell, Volume 144, Issue 5, March 2011, Pages 646-674 Hanahan, D.; Weinberg, Robert A. ![]() |
2.![]() | Performance characteristics of hydrothermal and sonication assisted electroless plating baths for nickel-ceramic composite membrane fabrication • Article Desalination, Volume 284, January 2012, Pages 77-85 Bulasara, V.K.; Abhimanyu, M.S.; Pranav, T.; Uppaluri, R.; Purkait, M.K. |
3.![]() | Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media • Article Business Horizons, Volume 53, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 59-68 Kaplan, A.M.; Haenlein, M. ![]() |
4.![]() | Resveratrol Ameliorates Aging-Related Metabolic Phenotypes by Inhibiting cAMP Phosphodiesterases • Article Cell, Volume 148, Issue 3, February 2012, Pages 421-433 Park, S.J.; Ahmad, F.; Philp, A.; Baar, K.; Williams, T.; Luo, H.; Ke, H.; Rehmann, H.; Taussig, R.; Brown, Alexandra L.; Kim, Myung K.; Beaven, Michael A.; Burgin, Alex B.; Manganiello, V.; Chung, Jay H. ![]() |
5.![]() | EMT and Dissemination Precede Pancreatic Tumor Formation • Article Cell, Volume 148, Issue 1-2, January 2012, Pages 349-361 Rhim, Andrew D.; Mirek, Emily T.; Aiello, Nicole M.; Maitra, A.; Bailey, Jennifer M.; McAllister, F.; Reichert, M.; Beatty, Gregory L.; Rustgi, Anil K.; Vonderheide, Robert H.; Leach, Steven D.; Stanger, Ben Z. ![]() |
Library Supporting Research Communities in Developing Countries
In developing countries, libraries are often a hub of activity not only for information resources and services, but also for building foundational skills and knowledge within various user groups. With funding from an Elsevier Foundation grant, the Learning Resource Center (LRC) at Thai Nguyen University was able to substantially boost Vietnamese scholarship and scientific, technical and medical information exchange for scholars in Thai Nguyen Province and the north mountainous area of Vietnam.
The $40,000 grant, which began in April 2010, allowed the LRC to introduce hands-on training and mentoring programs, host interactive workshops, and publish a 150-page local language handbook on improving scientific writing and publishing. It also funded the implementation of an institutional repository using DSpace, open source software that enables sharing of content.
The $40,000 grant, which began in April 2010, allowed the LRC to introduce hands-on training and mentoring programs, host interactive workshops, and publish a 150-page local language handbook on improving scientific writing and publishing. It also funded the implementation of an institutional repository using DSpace, open source software that enables sharing of content.
Many American and Vietnamese LIS experts participated in the project. The two senior advisors - Patrick McGlamery, retired Director of Library Information Technology, University of Connecticut, and Terry Plum, Assistant Dean for Technology and GSLIS West program, Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science - took a holistic approach, advising information technologists, administrators, librarians and researchers on how to work together to boost scholarly publishing and sharing.
Original post: Library Connect
Info sharing @ResearchSupport
Library Connect terbitan Elsevier keluaran Julai 2012 adalah bertemakan 'Evolving collections & services'. Isu kali ini membawa pembaca kepada isu-isu terkini berkaitan teknologi baharu, penggunaan sumber elektronik dan penggunaan media sosial dalam bidang kepustakawanan. Teks penuh artikel-artikel menarik ini boleh didapati dengan melayari pautan berikut:
gambar: Google
1) Preparing for a different kind of disaster: The departure of the electronic resources librarian By Heidi Zuniga, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
2) NTU Library expands social media use with a whole-of-organization approach By Choy Fatt Cheong, Nanyang Technological University
3) Developing a digital library in-house By Alexander Belov, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Untuk membaca lain-lain artikel dalam isu Julai 2012 ini sila layari pautan ini:
Library Connect Julai 2012
2) NTU Library expands social media use with a whole-of-organization approach By Choy Fatt Cheong, Nanyang Technological University
3) Developing a digital library in-house By Alexander Belov, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Untuk membaca lain-lain artikel dalam isu Julai 2012 ini sila layari pautan ini:
Library Connect Julai 2012
Library Connect (2012). Retrieved 21 June 2012
(info) Para saintis berebut mahukan otak Einstein!
Apakah yang terjadi jika seseorang yang genius telah meninggal dunia? Pastinya otak si genius dijadikan bahan ujikaji oleh saintis yang lain. Lanjutkan pembacaan di bawah ini;
Setelah lebih separuh abad meninggal dunia, otak saintis genius fizik yang terkenal dengan Teori Relativiti Umum, Teori Relativiti Khas dan Kesan Fotoelektrik yang membolehkan beliau menerima Hadiah Nobel Fizik pada tahun 1921 telah dipamerkan di Muzium dan Perpustakaan Sejarah Perubatan Mutter di Philadelphia, Amerika Syarikat (AS) tahun lalu.
Anna Dhody, kurator muzium tersebut menyatakan dalam satu temubual Yahoo!News bahawa pengunjung akan dapat melihat 45 keratan otak Einstein. Keratan berkenaan telah didermakan oleh pakar neuropatologi kanan Hospital Kanak-Kanak Philadelphia AS, Dr. Lucy Rorke-Adams.
Salah satu keratan tersebut telah diperbesarkan di bawah bawah mikroskop khas untuk tatapan pengunjung pameran tersebut.
Anna Dorby berharap melalui pameran itu ia dapat mendorong ramai pengunjung dan peminat sains mengkaji tentang sains dan fisiologi otak. Sejumlah 45 bahagian otak Einstein itu telah melalui perjalanan yang sangat unik. Ia bermula dari kematian saintis tersohor itu pada tahun 1955 akibat abdominal aneurism dan otaknya diambil tujuh jam selepas kematiannya.
Anna Dorby berharap melalui pameran itu ia dapat mendorong ramai pengunjung dan peminat sains mengkaji tentang sains dan fisiologi otak. Sejumlah 45 bahagian otak Einstein itu telah melalui perjalanan yang sangat unik. Ia bermula dari kematian saintis tersohor itu pada tahun 1955 akibat abdominal aneurism dan otaknya diambil tujuh jam selepas kematiannya.
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Thomas Harvey seorang ahli patologi telah mengambil otak tersebut sebagai satu spesimen untuk uji kaji autopsi yang dijalankan. Bagaimanapun pengambilan otak Einstein telah menimbulkan kontroversi sama ada ia mendapat izin waris.
Dalam biografinya yang ditulis oleh Ronald Clark (1971) dikatakan: "Einstein sangat setuju jika otaknya dipakai sebagai objek penyelidikan dan meminta agar badannya juga diawetkan jika perlu".
sumber asal: Blog Perpustakaan UiTM Perak
FRIM works with UiTM on its research plot survey
3 February 2012 (Friday) – The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) has launched a joint survey programme with Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) to compile crucial data and produce a precise map of all its research plots.
The launching of the FRIM Research Plot Survey and Inventory Programme, held on 1 February at the Sungai Kroh picnic area in FRIM, Kepong, was officiated by FRIM Director General (DG) Dato’ Dr Abd Latif Mohmod.
The launching of the FRIM Research Plot Survey and Inventory Programme, held on 1 February at the Sungai Kroh picnic area in FRIM, Kepong, was officiated by FRIM Director General (DG) Dato’ Dr Abd Latif Mohmod.
Under this programme, FRIM researchers and 50 students including their three technical supervisors from the UiTM Department of Surveying Science and Geomatics will conduct the field survey in FRIM for a month until the end of February.
For the students, the programme forms part of their technical training activities during semester break. The main output of the exercise will be the precise map of all FRIM research plots established as early as 1920s that have never been properly surveyed before.
Source: FRIM website
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