3 things you need to know about Mendeley


Mendeley recently went through an upgrade and here’s why you need to take advantage of them:

 Feature 1 - Profile
Manage your public reputation. Showcase key performance metrics of your work to the international research community, and even to society at large. Be empowered to import your publications from Scopus to maintain a complete, impactful profile easily.

More to come for your enhanced profile page: Restricting visibility of profiles exclusively to followers for added flexibility, including “non-core” research roles (e.g. reviewing, editing, teaching) and more!

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Figure 1. An example of the revamped Mendeley profile

Feature 2 - Stats
If like others, you’re keen to showcase and assess the impact of your work and to calibrate your success within your discipline, then take note of Stats.

Providing answers to questions like “How am I cited, downloaded, shared, mentioned in the general news, or used in patents?”, it gives you a view of how your published articles are performing. This will be through metrics such as citations, your H-index, number of views in ScienceDirect, and downloads in Mendeley. All on a single, clear interface. 

In addition, you will also be able to see 1) PDF and HTML download data from ScienceDirect, 2) search terms used to locate your articles, 3) an overview of the geographic distribution of your readership, and 4) links to various source data providers.  All in all, you can see how your work is being used by the scientific community as a whole.

Note: This feature can only be viewed by you and cannot be made public.
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Click to view larger image
Figure 2. Citation graph together with Publication, Citation, View and Reader counts in the Stats toolFigure 3. newsflo mass media mentions in the Stats tool An example of the revamped Mendeley profile

Feature 3 – Suggest
Stay up-to-date with literature in your research field. As a powerful article recommender system, it will help you find relevant content more efficiently based on your discipline and research interests and user behavior.

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Figure 4. Article recommendations distinguished by category in the Suggest tool

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