Info Sharing PTAR

Library Connect Newsletter keluaran Julai 2012 yang bertajuk Helping Users Discover E-Books memaparkan bagaimana Pustakawan berperanan untuk memastikan pengguna perpustakaan dapat menggunakan dengan sepenuhnya perkhidmatan dan kemudahan yang disediakan. Kasetsart University Library Bangkok, Thailand telah mengadakan Library Outreach Programme selama 6 bulan bagi mempromosikan dan memberi kesedaran kepada pengguna akan kewujudan sumber E-Books dan penggunaannya dalam penyelidikan dan pembelajaran.

E-book training
The team began by training the library staff and users to use e-book databases skillfully, and to download them to devices such as smartphones and tablets. Library staff also set up booths at the main library and in various facilities to teach, encourage and enhance discovery skills.

E-book: Recommended for U
The team provided instant access to recommended books by creating a rotating exhibit with a QR code next to each title. Users could read the books immediately by scanning the code with a smartphone or a tablet.

Click e-book for more knowledge
To promote its broad e-book database, the team designed a game that directed participants to find answers in library databases. With each correct answer, participants could enter their name in a prize drawing. An online version of the game asked users five questions about e-books on the library‘s website. Participants could find answers in the library’s e-book database and send them in via e-mail — also qualifying for a prize drawing for correct answers.

Teks penuh artikel tersebut boleh dirujuk dengan melayari pautan berikut:
Helping Users Discover E-Books

Library Connect (2012). Retrieved 13 Feb 2013, from Library Connect


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